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Wednesday, January 01, 2014


Well it's officially begun, the 2014 Blogger Challenge! I am super excited to embark on this journey for 2014 and hope you are looking forward to it as well. If you are also a fellow participant just leave your blog link or your first post link in the comments and I will be more than happy to check it out. The first topic of the year is your New Years Inspiration which I am excited about because I love quotes and inspiring things.

I found this quote on Sweet Dreams Blog and I instantly fell in love with it. This quote represents having a fresh new start at the beginning the year. You start with blank pages and throughout the year you fill them with mental pictures and words that represent your year. By doing what you love and want, you are slowly filling in the 365 pages of your year. Each year comes with a brand new book to fill with love, memories and happiness so make the most of the year so you have 365 things to write or show in your book.

You may even take this a step further by actually having a book of 365 pages to represent your 2014 year. Each day get a picture from the day, a saying you read, a little blurb of your day, whatever you want to remember of that day and put it on a single page with the date. On December 31, 2014 you can look back on your year and think and wonder.

This quote says something, it tells us to make memories and not just be in the world. Don't sit around day after day staring at your t.v screen or phone screen, get out and do things and make special moments with people. But don't just fill your book with physical things you did, fill it with mind thing. Show your mental growth through the year, if your resolution is to be more confident then show your improvement of that and make sure your book has the day you became confident in it.

Your brand new book is a collection of your year long memories and personal growth, it tracks your goals and progress. By the end of the year if you can say your book has 365 things that truly mean something, then you can say you succeeded even if you didn't make all your goals. I don't mean you have to have a physical copy of your book but on December 31 think back on your days and make sure you're proud of every single day.

Heres to a wonderful year ahead!


  1. I truly like this quote, we have to make sure to write an interesting and inspiring book. Have a wonderful year :)

    1. Yes exactly! Thank you! Hope you have a fabulous 2014!

  2. Love this :) I wish I had the motivation to actually do a realy book of the year, my mum has written down what we've done as a family in diaries everyday for the last 10 years. It is so lovely to read back through! x

    1. Same for me! I'm not motivated, I'd rather keep a mental copy. That's so sweet and fun, I'd love to do that with my future family, thanks xx
