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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

When is your Old Makeup too Old? Makeup Shelf Lives!

Hello Warriors

How long should you keep lipstick, eyeshadow, blushes and other cosmetics? How long you should keep products depends on what it is, storage/storage conditions and infections. You should really follow these guidelines when throwing away and replacing products to avoid infections and acne.

To get extra life to your products always buy unopened products, close caps tightly and out of high humidity areas. Also keep out of direct sunlight which will ruin the products. Always avoid sharing your makeup products with other people and that includes everything. If you do share, invest in a makeup sterilizing spray.

 Mascara: Throw it away after 3 months. This is the shortest life of all cosmetics because you are constantly transferring the brush from your eyes back to the tube which is transferring bacteria. Make sure you do not pump the brush in the tube, this will only cause more air into the tube which cause bacteria.

Liquid Liner: Follow the mascara rules.

Eye Pencils: Toss it after 2 years only if you sharpen it after each use or before each use. If you don't it probably isn't safe to keep it more than 6 months. Also make sure your sharpener is clean!

Eye Shadow: Liquid shadows will last 12 months if you keep your applicator clean. Powder shadows will last 2 years to 3 years depending. If you use your fingers to apply eyeshadow always use disinfectant spray or don't keep it as long and make sure your fingers are clean!. If you use a brush always make sure your brush is freshly clean before using it.

Tip: If you've had an infection throw away all applicators and products you used right from the first symptom to the last day of infection!!

Lipsticks: You can keep your lipsticks and lip pencils for 2 years. For the lip pencils always sharpen before or after each use. If you have a lip infection avoid using lip products or be prepared to throw it away after.

Lip Gloss: They say can be kept up to 1 year. I know not very long which is saddening but I wouldn't risk getting sick from your favorite lip gloss. Squeeze tube lip gloss last a little longer than the doe-foot or brush applicator ones.

Note: You can keep the lip products or face products a little longer than it says if you don't use it very often but if you start seeing build up or it smells funny or looks abnormal, you should throw it out.

Foundation: You should toss it after 1-2 years. Most people don't take that long to finish a foundation but still keep that in mind even if your not a huge foundation wearer. If you use a stick foundation and have acne, make sure you either disinfect it or throw it out sooner because of the acne bacteria.

Concealer: Can also last 1-2 years. If you use concealer on blemishes and under your eyes, make sure you use two different ones so the acne bacteria doesn't get near your eyes. You can discard that rule if you use a liquid concealer because that doesn't directly touch your face. If you use stick concealer really follow that rule. If you put stick concealer directly on your acne follow that same rules as stick foundation.

Blushes/Bronzers/Powders: Cream blushes or bronzers can last only 1 year. Powder blushes/bronzers and powders can last 2 years. This goes for powder foundation as well.

Tip: Always make sure you use clean brushes and sponges! Also to help you keep track of makeup life, write the date of opening on the product or in a book to stop spread of infections.

Remember there is no set in stone amount of time for products to last. This is just some research I have done. Many websites have different amounts of time to keep it. Some products dry out before the time is up and some are good as new when time runs out. You will know when a product has gone bad. Just be careful with your products and care for them and you shouldn't be worried.

Let me know in the comments what expiration surprised you most? If you have a shelf life I did not mention here feel free to let me and others know. Thanks for reading! Sorry for a very word filled post but there is a lot of info.

Quote of the Post: "No amount of makeup can mask an ugly heart"-Kevyn Aucoin

The Warrior <3

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